Simply fill the waterproofed tub with water, place the temperature probe into the water, plug the thermostat cord into the GFCI extension outlet, then plug the freezer cord into the thermostat outlet. Type in your desired temperature, and the thermostat will regulate the temperature by turning your freezer on or off automatically in order to keep the water at your target temperature range.
Next, place the filter pump on the floor of the plunge and plug into the GFCI, and let the filter circulate the water constantly. Finally, place the o-zone hose into the water. Plug the O-zone cord into the timer, type in the times you want the ozone to sanitize your water every night (i.e. at night, when you're not using it), and plug the timer into the third GFCI extension cord outlet.
Unplug this GFCI cord before each plunge, and simply replug the cord back into the wall when you're finished with your ice bath.
Filter Care:
Clean the mesh filter which resides inside the pump once a month. Remove the filter and rinse with water, then place it in a bucket of 9 parts water to 1 part bleach and let it sit overnight. Rinse again in the morning and put it back in the pump. If done consistently, this can be done many times before the filter needs to be replaced.
It will first take 12-24 hours to get the water under 50 degrees, and then once there, the freezer will only need to run for a few minutes each day to keep your water cold, and will now do so automatically.
If possible, keep the plunge indoors. If not possible, keep a cover over the unit when you are not using it. If rain is expected, keep the freezer unit and any electrical outlets covered.